Monday, March 29, 2010

eames rocking chair

I love the Eames rocking chair. I just never thought it would make such a cool-looking tattoo! :)

Photo taken from Ethan Pines' website

Friday, March 19, 2010

first weekend of spring!

It's the first weekend of spring and we're heading over to Central Park for a picnic tomorrow! I'm excited beyond belief. I'm excited by the prospect of getting to wear shorts, a skirt or a dress again without having to pull on tights or stockings underneath. I'm excited to finally put my aviators to good use under the warm rays of the sun. And I'm excited to go buy a bike! Okay, so that last one might not happen this weekend, but I will get around to doing that hopefully before April is over. I'm actually very tempted to just get one from Republic Bikes online, but I should do my research and go around the different bike stores. I should also ask where people store their bicycles in our building. I've never seen anyone bring one in yet. Hmm...

Friday, March 05, 2010

all i want for spring

I am itching to go shopping, but I don't have the moolah to go buy all the things I want to right now. Luckily for me, my mom is willing to sponsor the purchase of the trench coat! So now I only have to worry about all the other items on my list. It's still going to be quite a big drain on my account. I probably won't get around to buying everything, but I plan on getting at least one of them!

Oh, and there's one more thing I need to get this spring too! I am so envious of Henry who keeps talking about riding his bike around on the weekends. I will get myself a euro-style bike one of these days! :D Here's one from Republic Bikes that you actually customize (choose colors for all the different parts) and they'll send it over to you all built. :) It's like Nike iD for bikes! I love it!

Update: I bought the Club Monaco trenchcoat two weekends ago and I've already worn it a couple of times since then! Yey for spring! It's gorgeous out this week.