Sunday, August 23, 2009

studs studs studs!

I found this gray blazer at Daffy's for $19 and thought it would be fun to see what I could do to spruce it up and make it current.

So, I bought some silver studs and decided to adorn the collar part of it. It hurts to do it with your bare hands, and my right index finger especially was a bit sore afterwards from folding down all the metal backs of the studs. But, I must say, the 2 hours spent planning and studding was worth it in the end, at least for me!

Here's how it turned out. This has been hanging on my closet door for close to a month now but it's been so hot that I haven't gotten the opportunity to use it yet. So, I guess I will have to wait for fall to come along before I do.

1 comment:

Maron said...

hey! i'll be working in forindo now (aka paper one) as a process auditor

btw nice work on the sutds! :D