I was amazed that the curls held even after an afternoon spent going to Borders and buying a book, having a tall iced White Chocolate Mocha and a slice of Banana Walnut Bread at Starbucks while reading the newly-purchased The Poe Shadow by Matthew Pearl and going to Daffy's for some bargain shopping. And I didn't even put any kind of product on my hair! Anyway, tracking back to that blazer I bought. It's a size 6; I was hoping to find a size 4 but it was the only one of its kind I could find, so I got it anyway. It's roomy and androgynous, which is exactly why I couldn't resist. I know I have way too many jackets for my own good, but, oh well! It was $29, that's not too much to pay for a blazer anyhow.

Hmm, this boredom is not very good for my wallet. I keep going out and buying stuff! Tsk tsk. Well, at least I'm not spending AND damaging my liver like I usually used to do on the weekends. At least I get something more than inebriation for my money when I shop!
Tomorrow is going to be a good day though! Biking and then afterwards a picnic at Central Park, woohoo! :) I can't wait! Those are the kinds of days that make me happy I'm in New York. Last night we went to watch a Mets game at Citi Field. I've never seen a baseball game in my life, not even on TV, so it was a novel experience! I must say, it was a pretty relaxing sport to watch. Everyone was just hanging out drinking beer, eating hotdogs (and Shake Shack burgers! I never get tired of them!), and just having a good time. :) I think I enjoyed it more for the atmosphere than the actual sport itself. *smiles*

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